
Monday, September 6, 2010

Train of thought

It's Labor Day, a national holiday, and my husband has to work. I wish he was at home with us today so I (selfishly) could get a break to rest off this cold. I can't believe Orien has a cold now too! He probably won't get to go to preschool tomorrow which is a bummer because it's picture day and I again want, no need, a break. This post may be a bit of a pity party but I don't care because it's therapeutic. The past month has been emotionally and physically exhausting. When it rains it pours. I am trying very hard to focus on all the positives in our lives, but it's hard. Sometimes I wish people would tell me "you'll be fine" less and "I understand, I get it" more. I hope it rains a lot today. I love summer storms. But that means Brett will make less money. Rain = decrease in pay for us! I have to finished laundry and start packing soon for our next trip. I really don't want to pack again, but I am excited for the trip. Although now I'm stressed about it some because O and I are sick. Disney World in September heat is NOT a good time to be sick. I am beyond appreciative for those who are bringing us on this vacation. I cannot wait to see my brother play football at the Disney complex. I'm proud to be cheering for such an all-around great little brother. This time next year he'll be away at college. I can't think about it without tearing up. We will all miss him. I hate that Orien won't have him around as much for a few years. Eric, you better move back home afterward! Woah, O's been napping for two hours. He's getting better at taking longer naps. That only took a year and a half! His naps SAVE me. I never thought being a stay at home Mom would be this hard. I never thought I would still be adjusting to all of this a year later. The more time that goes by the less I want another child. I never thought I would only want one. We'll see. Time to get ready for the grocery store and finish laundry...because that's what stay at home Mommas do!


1 comment:

  1. I think it can be tough being a stay at home because you might not get enough time to yourself. Breaks are very important.

    I know how you feel. The idea of having another kid is pretty scary. Plus it's like, Cady already brings me so much happiness, I really don't neeeeed another one.

    P.S. I used to love grocery shopping in college, and now it's a chore.
