We celebrated Memorial Weekend the best way we knew how: a long weekend at Lake McQueeney! I left early with my mom and Brett joined us the next day. Also, our friends The Oppermans came to visit all weekend and enjoy the lake. It was a full house and very very fun!!
All of the days are sort of jumbled together in my mind now, but basically we did LOTS of boating, water skiing, wake boarding, swimming (lake & pool), swinging in the backyard and ate lots of popsicles! The boys did some fishing the first night too of the dock. If I remember right, Brett caught zero and Kris caught 10! :)
Orien was born to be on the water - just like his parents! From the moment he SAW the boats on the water he loved them. His first boat ride was two hours long and he didn't make a peep unless he was yelling with pure joy! Even the slightly too big life jacket didn't bother him. They don't really make one year old life jackets lol. Orien and I would snuggle up on the boat in the shade and wave at the passing boats and jet skiis. When someone would ski or board on our boat, he would contently watch them with his sweet little face. He also started taking to the pool on this trip. The Ski Lodge has a pool and a baby pool. O could walk in the baby pool, which he really liked. He's so social...every time we went to the pool he made friends and would borrow their toys. Ha, maybe that's why he's so friendly...all for the toys. And despite Orien's extremely fair complexion, he didn't get burned AT all. I don't even think he got a tan. I'm pretty proud because I try VERY hard to prevent that from happening :)
At one point we set up the baby pool and slip n' slide we brought from home in our backyard. The three kids loved it. They ate popsicles and crawled and walked around in the shade with the doggies. The entire weekend was really SO relaxing, despite being so active. We were really glad our good friends could join us. They are such great people and deserve a break to chill out with the kiddos.
Throughout the weekend I kept thinking how blessed we are to have the lake to spend time with family and make lasting memories. It's not about the house, the boat, the ski lodge. It's about the people. Friends and family MAKE the lake such an amazing place. Never take for granted having family and good friends. Some people don't have it. I can honestly say the absolute BEST thing in life is being with those you love. That's what life is all about. And we had a perfect weekend FULL of just that.
My heaven.
I am so glad you have Lake McQueeny to go and have a break. When Joseph and Adam were little, we had Anchor Lake. It was the same for me as McQueen is for you. It was a very sad day when Papare and Mamere sold Anchor Lake. I still miss it. You are right, it was the fact that we were all together stress free enjoying each other. Orien is so adorable. I love how he really got into the watermellon. Toddlehood here he comes.