I feel like I am.
Sometimes I just want to take a simple stroll through the mall with my 2 year old son. Maybe to grab a smoothie and let him get some energy out. But pretty soon I feel like I'm in a completely different world than everyone else. Victoria's Secret and Abercrombie throw naked (seriously) people up on the wall for the whole world to see. And yes, my 2 year old turns to look. Teens, or even more worrisome, preteens strut around barely dressed hanging on one another. Then we pass movie posters that make me want to turn the other way. Then I look for 20 minutes to find a shirt without a skull on it at a kid's clothing store. Then we get in the car and I have to change the radio station because the hosts are discussing racy topics. Then, well you get the idea. I could go on and on.
I'm exaggerating a bit, but not much. Lately, my mind is boggled by all of this. And frustrated. And disappointed. How in the world can so many people be okay with where our society, where our culture is headed?? Or are they okay with it?
I couldn't clearly see this problem until I had kids. And as I grow in my Faith, the problem is becoming absolutely crystal clear.
I totally understand that kids at certain ages will want to express themselves in different ways, or explore styles and activities to find themselves. I'm not a totally conservative wacko. I get it. I've been there. And that doesn't make me a bad person.
What is disappointing is how the overall mentality of American culture is so dang okay with the path we're on. It's like the majority go on with their lives just accepting the fact that our kids are facing more junk and evil at school and at the movies and in stores and on TV and in music than EVER before! I mean this is a problem! Be concerned! Talk about it! Be proactive! And most importantly, pray your little worried heart out.
I know not everyone lives by the Word, but since I do, I realize this is all the result of the Devil. If that confuses you, go freshen up on some scripture. It's all there, plain as day. Christians know to expect this in our world. And we know to turn from it and constantly pray evil out of our homes, out of our schools, and out of our precious worlds. So if the majority of American are Christians, then what the heck is going on?
Hypocrisy? Ignorance? Laziness?
I've been all of these at one time.
But not anymore. I have chosen to be proactive about this very large issue in my life. What does that mean? Well, it depends on the circumstance or situation.
But when it comes down to it, that means I choose to raise my children with strong morals and very high standards. (Something that seems to be lacking) Yes, most kids can watch this show or that movie, but you have higher standards than that. Absolutely do not judge others for their choices, but our family sticks firmly to ours. For we know He has a higher path and plan than what society says is "okay" and "normal".
Me being proactive about this means I chose my music, my TV shows, my clothes, my words, my activities, my friends, my reading material and my thoughts as a Christian. Because that defines me in so many ways. I don't simply watch something and let it slide because well it was a popular movie and probably kind of funny. No, I make a conscious effort to stay true to what I believe!!!!
The new show on TLC about a Medium in Jersey (I think?) who apparently reads people and communicates with spirits. Oh my goodness. I watched this once and was sucked in. She was dead on with everything. And she made people over-the-moon happy and seemed to comfort them in so many ways. But the show just didn't sit well with me. How does all of this fit in with my Faith? I got some interesting responses on Facebook when I asked that very question. It simply doesn't fit in. At all. The poor lady or "Medium" has no idea her "gift" is from the very opposite of what she probably thinks. The Devil fools and he's successfully fooling her and the thousands watching (including me!). Bottom line...I'm done with that show.
Just like marriage, parenting, and friendships, being a Christian is something you constantly have to work at. Every. Single. Day. You never stop learning and growing and always approach things with an open mind. When several friends advised me on what the Bible says about "mediums" and "physics", I chose to not question it. After all, it's in the Bible! Therefore, my actions must change.
But that's just me.
So, am I a dying breed?
Now, I'm not perfect AT ALL. Not better or higher than anyone. But I am confident in my choices, actions and beliefs. I know with all of my heart and soul how right Scripture is in saying how God wants us to live. So why don't we see that?
My main solution to this problem is prayer.
It's that simple. Pray! Pray! Pray!
I could do the longest blog post ever listing how many times God has answered my prayers - small and big. And He always does it in the most peculiar ways :)
If the way I chose to raise my kids and live my life seems odd, conservative, or "out there", then so be it! God's way is MY way and He has my entire heart.
And I wouldn't want it any other way.
(Okay, I feel more at peace with all of this after writing it out!)
On that note, check out what I found on Facebook! I can't stand Hollywood - the celebs or anything about it. But this girl is pretty cool.
What she believes is TOTALLY AWESOME, don't ya think?
Modest is Hottest.
"I find the whole concept of being ‘sexy’ embarrassing and confusing. If I do an interview with photographs people desperately want to change me - dye my hair blonder, pluck my eyebrows, give me a fringe. Then there’s the choice of clothes. I know everyone wants a picture of me in a mini-skirt. But that’s not me. I feel uncomfortable. I’d never go out in a mini-skirt. It’s nothing to do with protecting the Hermione image. I wouldn’t do that. Personally, I don’t actually think it’s even that sexy. What’s sexy about saying, ‘I’m here with my boobs out and a short skirt, have a look at everything I’ve got?’ My idea of sexy is that less is more. The less you reveal the more people can wonder.
- Emma Watson
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