
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Life's Just Beachy When You're Two

Life's just BEACHY when you're two.

It's all about footballs

And still believing that mommy and daddy

are the center of your world!

There's plenty of time for eating melting pops with friends,

playing on the beach barefoot in the sand,

digging for that perfect seashell,

and just hanging out in the hot tub all afternoon.

When you're two you still remember

how to BE SILLY!

 And relax in a hammock...

...or a porch swing

just watching the birds and the clouds

pass by in the spring sky.

 When you're two you still can ride mom's hip

or catch a ride on dad's shoulders

or eat candy and ice cream with your buddy til you drop!

Ain't life just BEACHY when you're two?

(Beach day in Galveston with the Boese family, April '11)

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