I want to slow down time for the next six weeks.
I can't remember wanting time to actually slow down for a very long time. When I was pregnant I wanted the days to fly by. When Orien was a newborn, I unfortunately found myself wanting him to be older so he would finally sleep! When it was summer, I wanted time to pass faster so we could have some cooler weather. Now that is Orien is nearly 11 months, I just want time to stop for a bit. I will miss a lot of the baby things about him.
I'll miss being able to bundle him in a little ball and cuddle.
I'll miss being able to feed him his bottle while rocking in the recliner and snuggling.
I'll miss his baby cheeks and sweet baby giggle.
I'll miss his whispy, blonde baby hair!
I'll miss him only wanting Mommy :)
I'll miss how he sucks on the pacifier when he naps like a little bunny.
I'll miss having him falling asleep on my chest.
I know he will continue to do some of these things in the coming weeks, but I also know with time they will come and go. But there are SO MANY new, fun things to look forward to. And I never forget how blessed we are to have a sweet, happy, healthy boy as our beautiful son!
The first three photos are of Orien playing at Stomping Grounds.
The last two are of me and him playing with our computer camera. In the last one I think we look so much alike :)
He wants to go down the slide alone!
Wow! He's almost a year old! I love this two little bottom row teeth, lol.