
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Mom Survey

Only because I had some free time at work...

1. How old were you when your first child was born?

2. What month and year was your youngest child born?
March 2009

3. How did you feel when you first found out you were pregnant?
Shocked and overjoyed!

4. Who did you tell first?
my friend Emily Keith

5. How many pounds did you gain during your first pregnancy?

6. What did you crave while you were pregnant?
sleep - no food cravings

7. Did you find out the gender of your first child? Why or why not?
YES! Why not?

8. Did you have any complications during your pregnancy?
Besides pain pain pain and bedrest, a few pre-term labor scares.

9. How much did your first child weigh?
6 lbs, 6 oz

10. Was your first child early, late, or on time?
induced early at 38 weeks!

11. What is the most difficult challenge or health issue that any of your children have faced?

12. What's your favorite part of being a mom?
That feeling you get when he smiles at me.

13. Do you think it's easier to be a mom or a dad?
Um. DAD!

14. What is the best piece of advice you could give to someone who is about to have their first child?
GET SLEEP NOW - before your child is born. And make friends with babies and kids. Surround yourself with loving (and helpful) family and friends. Don't be alone all day, every day. Get out some! ASK FOR HELP always!!!

15. Did you always think you'd have kids?

16. What's been the biggest surprise about motherhood?
How much of a 24/7 demanding, challenging job it is. It's much harder than I thought, but also very rewarding.

17. Are there things you miss about life before kids?
Yep. Lots of things - doing whatever, whenever. Seeing my childless friends more. More quality time with my husband. More alone time. But I'd trade all of that for what we have now any day.

18. How many children do you have?
One - and that's ALL I can handle right now!

19. Do you plan to have any more children?
Yep, one more probably.

20. Who's the mom that you admire most?
MY MOM! She is so selfless. She has always put her kids first no matter what. She's also my best best friend.

1 comment:

  1. Ok, I'm going to do mine right here.
    1. 21
    2.April 1983
    3. Thrilled
    4. Joe (my Husband)
    5. 23 lbs.
    6. Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
    7. No, they only did ultrasounds back then if there was a problem.
    8. Early in pregnancy some spotting.
    Bed rest stopped the problem.
    9.7lbs. exactly
    10. 10 days early
    11. Diabetes, wouldn't wish it on my anyone.
    12. That you become a grandmother later.
    13. The mothering comes easy to me, but dad's struggle sometimes. And they have more of the burden of supporting the family. So, I'm going to say its even.
    14. Go with your instinct. You know your baby better than anyone.
    15. I wasn't sure in my late teens.
    16. You give so much of yourself up.
    17. No You will get to do everything you did before when they are grown. And they grow so fast.
    18. Two
    19. Noooooooooo
    20.Me, I think I did a bang up job. I love the way my children turned out. And I do give myself credit for that.
